NC Voter ID Law Temporarily Blocked for March 3 Primary Election

U.S. District Court Judge Loretta Biggs ruled in favor of voting rights, temporarily blocking the new voter ID law passed by a NC GOP majority in 2018. She cited, “North Carolina has a sordid history of racial discrimination and voter suppression stretching back to the time of slavery, through the era of Jim Crow, and, crucially, continuing up to the present day,” in her December 31, 2019 ruling.

Postcards sent out in December by the NC State Board of Elections (NCSBE) detailing acceptable photo identification are no longer in effect for the March 3 primary in our state. This is a temporary ruling that the Lincoln County Democratic Party hopes to become permanent. Requiring a photo identification has been a proven tactic of voter suppression, specifically in the south and North Carolina. 

The NCSBE now displays this announcement on their website: 

The decision will remain a temporary block on the voter ID law until further rulings.  Our local party urges all citizens to prepare proper photo identification in case the injunction is lifted for the November general election



